MiD Magasin nr. 28 2013
Museums across borders
Museums without borders, editorial
Carina Serritzlew
Strategic Communication at Three Danish Art Museums
Anna Karina Kjeldsen
The essential Museum
Elaine Heumann Gurian
The Tenuousness of Transparency and the Drama of the Passions
Catherine Nichols
Heavenly Enigmas Across All Frontiers
Gertrud Hvidberg-Hansen
Un-Curating an Exhibition on the War in Afghanistan
Morten Tinning
Crossing the Border
Nick Winterbotham
People take centre stage at Moesgård
Pauline Asingh
Monks Making Museum Exhibits
Stephanie Nordby
From Three to One
Trine Grøne
Impressions from Nina Simon’s museum
Mette Liv Skovgaard
GEM – Group for Education in Museums
Dr Nick Winterbotham
MiD. Board of Directors
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